Surah al hashr 21 24 benefits
Surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

For example, the broadcasting of the Quran’s recitations should be as reminders for farmers or breeders so that in whatever state of affairs, they will always remember Allah and the verses of Allah.

surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

With regard to the issue of playing Quranic cassettes or Quranic CDs in cattle or poultry farms, then it must be for the right reasons and intentions. Similarly, the Quran is also a cure for humans, that contains the rulings and legislation system for mankind as well as the book of divine guidance for everyone.

surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

However, the Quran is sent down to humans as guidance and it contains the commandments of Allah SWT. (See Hasyiah Zadah ‘ala al-Baidhawi, 3/479)Īl-Bahr stated that this verse is revealed to denounce humans for their hard-hearted attitude as they are not even affected by the verses of Allah SWT, while the great mountains would be humbled and fall apart. This verse denounces humans that aren’t humbled and refused to reflect while reciting the Quran. This is the depiction of Allah SWT’s power and Might, that if sent down to the great mountains that hold the earth together as the earth’s pegs, surely, you would see the mountains fall apart because of their fear of Allah SWT. If We created the hills and the mountains with the faculty of intellect, so that they can think and be able to differentiate as We created humans, and We sent down the Quran in the forms of promises and warnings, surely, they would be humbled and falls apart for fear of Allah SWT. “If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah.” 75)Īllah SWT stated in the Quran, regarding if the Quran is sent down to the mountains: (Refer Kitab Hasyiah al-‘Allamah Ibn Hajar al-Haitami ‘ala Syarh al-Idhah, pg. This is in accordance with a hadith with a da’if (weak) sanad by Imam al-Tabarani. So, is it other than the religion of Allah they desire, while to Him have submitted those within the heavens and earth, willingly or by compulsion, and to Him they will be returned?” We include here the words of Imam al-Nawawi that advices to recite the following verse when trapped in a situation, where one has to face wild animals: The hadith above did not specify whether it is only applicable to humans or other than humans.Īccording to the question asked, then it is permissible to broadcast the recitation of the Quran to people, places and even animals.

surah al hashr 21 24 benefits

“If any one of you see something amazing of your brother, or of his property, then pray for him, indeed the evil eye is real,” From ‘Amir bin Rabi’ah, the Prophet PBUH said: Generally, there is no problem in broadcasting the recitation of the Quran with the intention to ask for protection from ‘ain disease, and jealousy according to a general sanctioning to seek treatment in the Quran. Blessings and salutations to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, his wives, his family, companions and all those that follow his teachings to the day of judgement. What is the ruling for broadcasting the recitation of the Quran that is done by certain farmers in cows’ farms?Īlhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Allah for the many countless blessings He has blessed us all with.

Surah al hashr 21 24 benefits